PBIS ~ Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports is an organized, data driven system of interventions and strategies that address school-wide and individualized behavior planning by using research and data based information to create and maintain best practice strategies.
PBIS helps us by increasing our capacity to understand and effectively respond to problematic behaviors and helps us develop a structure for reducing frequent minor behavior issues by fostering a positive and preventative path. PBIS positively influences our school cultures through nurturing of a unified, systematic approach and philosophy for working with children.
Our Goal
To encourage respectful, responsible and safe behavior by all of our staff, students, and families with the use of positive behavioral expectations, interventions and supports.
How We Do It
Each of the Morgan Hill Unified Schools have 3-5 school wide expectations. Three of the main expectations are Respect, Responsibility and Safety. These expectations are reinforced daily in a variety of ways. Students will receive an abundance of verbal praise, high fives or some other form of praise. In addition, students may earn tickets, points, or stickers for demonstrating Respect, Responsibility, Safety or any of their other school wide expectations at their school. As well as reinforcing positive behaviors, we also employ a positive and restorative approach to discipline. When a consequence is given, it is also used as a teaching opportunity. The consequences are reasonable and related to the problem behavior. We not only want to teach these behaviors, we want to model them ourselves.
PBIS is not just another program that we use. It is who we are and what we do!
Parent Contribution
Parents can support child and school by creating an environment that is Respectful, Responsible and Safe. Please talk to your child about their school behavior expectations. We value our partnership with parents teaching and reinforcing the school-wide expectations.