Home & School Club

The goal of Home & School Club (H&SC) is to support the students and staff by fundraising, hosting school events, and funding field trips, teacher grants and special assemblies that enrich the students’ experiences at El Toro. H&SC is made up of board members who initiate events and work to keep things organized, the staff who make H&SC aware of their needs, and the dedicated family volunteers that give their time and skills to the many events and fundraisers at El Toro each year.

Your participation is valued, appreciated and welcomed. H&SC meets once a month. Come join us at a meeting and find out how you can get involved. The meeting dates are on the calendar, and reminders will be sent out before each one.

 H&SC Meetings

The H&SC meets on the first Tuesday of every month, except  in March (March 11th) and in May (May 27th) beginning at 6:30 pm.  Our one-hour meetings are currently being held in person and over Zoom.  A reminder of the meeting will be emailed from Mr. Guinane the morning of the meeting. 

The Zoom link can be found here:


We hope you'll be able to join us to hear more about what is happening at El Toro, volunteer opportunities, and how you can make a difference at our school!

 H&SC Meeting Minutes


H&SC Communication

To ensure you are always receiving information in a format that works best for you, please note the different ways the H&SC communicates:

Facebook: Please join El Toro Home and School Club on Facebook!

Email: Regular emails are sent out from Mr. Guinane that include upcoming H&SC activities.  Be sure your correct email address is on file with the El Toro front office.

H&SC Webpage: You’re here!  You can regularly check this page for updates.

 El Toro Events Calendar

El Toro Events Calendar

2024-25 H&SC Board Members

To be announced

 Ongoing fundraisers:

  • Foodraisers - all proceeds go to ensuring every student receives a free yearbook! Look out for dates and restaurant specifics in Communications.


Not interested in fundraising activities, but still want to help the school? We get it! You can opt out, guilt free, by donating a flat amount directly to the school. Just click the donate button below: